Best Prayers for Comfort and Strength when Depressed

Prayer for Comfort and Strength
Prayer for Comfort and Strength

Prayer for Comfort and Strength

Have you ever needed a boost of supernatural power to face a challenge head-on but weren’t sure how to pray? God is standing by and wants to provide us support when we need it. Do not be reluctant to turn to God in prayer and request His sustaining power. Pray along with these prayers for comfort and strength whenever you feel unable to stand due to weakness, fatigue, or uncertainty about what to ask.

A Prayer for Strength When You’re Feeling Weak

Lord Jesus, grant me perseverance, not the bleak perseverance of gritting my teeth, but the glory-strength God bestows. It is strength that endures the intolerable and overflows into joy, giving thanks to the Father who empowers me to partake in all the bright and lovely things that he has planned for me. Jesus, strengthen me in my frailty. Amen.

A Prayer to Survive

Lord, I’m exhausted and unsure of when my life’s “marathon” will come to a finish. In an effort to escape this ordeal, I feel as though I have been running for ages. Help me to stop attempting to flee my agony and instead run the race you have put before me with endurance. I am aware that I will finally triumph over my struggles in life because of you. I am aware that nothing in this world can sever my connection to your unwavering love. Please shower me with your love today and give me the stamina to get through this ordeal. I appreciate your unending devotion to me. And thanks for my everlasting crown of delight in your kingdom!

A Prayer for Strength in Times of Need

Lord, I’m worn out. My motivation is flagging, and my energy is waning. And I really need you right now. To get back on track, I need your fortitude and your innovative style. The joy of the Lord is my strength, according to your word. If that’s the case, then I require your delight to replenish all of my mind, body, and soul’s worn-out components.

Sometimes life’s pressures force me into a corner and leave me unable to move forward. I sometimes feel frozen when a hundred people yell my name because I don’t know where to go. Lord, please assist me to finish the race well and find courage in that quiet, safe haven you have under the protection of the All-Powerful.

When I’m tempted to give in to bad things or when selfishness clings to my clothing and won’t let go, I need your power to say no. When timidity and fear urge me to reject my heart’s desires, I need your courage to say “yes.” I need your power to extend love to everyone around me and to those who are close to me. When won’t I require your might, God?

You are my rock, and I run to you today hoping that you will help me lift my heavy arms, give me energy for the responsibilities you have given me, and absorb all the weakness in my life with your joy, giving me strength again. I don’t want to be confined and constrained by my shortcomings. I’m done with pathetic attempts. Lord, I don’t simply want to soar; I want to mount up with wings like an eagle. I desire to soar.

Lord, replenish my strength. Fill me with your extraordinary strength to get beyond every challenge in my way. I can succeed if I keep my eyes on you, Lord, and you walk with me and work through me. Lord, I am grateful! in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Do you feel depleted of energy as a result of life’s storms? To help you get through your storm right away, download our FREE Find Hope in the Storm prayer booklet.

A Prayer of Encouragement and Strength

Lord, in a time of trouble and suffering, I need your inspiration just like David did. Thank you for constantly being on the throne, my God, and always being ready to intervene. I’m grateful that you are the same God that you were to David and are to me. I’m grateful that you are always there to help me overcome my worries and hurts. Lord, please remind me that morning may be right around the corner and that this trial won’t last forever. Give me faith that dawn is near and that your love will win out forever!, in the name of Jesus! Amen.

A Daily Prayer for Wisdom and Strength

You are a God who performs miracles. Please paint a picture for me of what freedom looks like. Give me the faith to trust in your miracles. Show me what exhausts me. Show me what controls me and makes me move slowly. Please help me develop a taste for what makes me stronger instead of what makes me weaker. From the inside out, heal me! Assist me in making the necessary adjustments. I want to take part in my healing along with You. Bring new life to me! in the name of Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer for the Distressed

Lord, fill my heart with Your calm when it is overwhelmed. Rock, lead me to You. Point me toward Your Word, which is my source of courage and safety. Please don’t let me turn to inferior stuff. Motivate me to come to You first. Please make it a habit for me to surrender my overwhelm to your control. I’m grateful, Lord. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

A Breakthrough Prayer

Father, I pray that You will give me a new perspective on what success will look like in my life. While I wait for my miracle, please help me to pursue healing. In the midst of the storm, teach me how to rest. Please assist me in taking full advantage of the feast You have prepared for me in the midst of the conflict. I want to live my entire life as a living testimony that there is a God in heaven who knows my name and will return me to it safely. Refill me with the awe of Your might and love. I’m going to beat the anxiety, I swear. As I wait for You to make a breakthrough, please teach me when to rest, when to eat, and how to actively practice my faith. May my actions demonstrate Your strength. I ask that you do the impossible in and through me. Amen.

Dear God, if I ever feel hopeless, just give me courage and refuel my soul.

A Prayer for Protection Against Spiritual Assault

Dear Heavenly Father, I fight temptation and sin every day. Give us the fortitude to withstand brutality with dignity and hatred with love. God, please let us know that what we do matters. We fight a spiritual battle instead of a physical one, and every good thing we do moves your throne forward. Help us today to establish a kingdom. Amen.

A Prayer for Spiritual Strength and Power

Lord, I ask that you help me to recognize my power in prayer. Teach me how to pray with Your might and strength. I wish to choose my future and the future of my country. I wish to join You in prayer. I wish to fervently pray for my city. I want to offer up strong breakthrough prayers that prompt You to take action. Teach me to pray with trust for my needs and the needs of those around me every day as I come to You. Without Your strength, I am unable to travel to my workplace or community. I’m grateful that You hear all of my prayers and that they have an impact on You. Manifest my spiritual authority for me, please (Ephesians 1-18-23).

Because You are sitting at God’s right hand and we are seated with You in heavenly regions, I am grateful that there is hope for the future (Ephesians 2:6). You overcame Satan at the cross, and now we battle a vanquished enemy (Colossians 2:15). Through prayer, enlist our assistance as we uphold Your rule and Your will on earth (James 4:7). We are grateful for our ground-breaking authority to enact global change. Teach us to grasp prayer and to ask for benefits for the world. Thank You for giving us access to the power of prayer. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer for Surrendering Strength

Father in heaven, Your standards are higher than mine. I ask for the courage and fortitude to give up my path and go for yours. Lord, I have faith in You. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A Prayer for God’s Strength When You Are Feeling Attacked

Oh my God! We are grateful for the influence of Your words and presence in our lives. Since You are larger in us than in the world, we are grateful that no weapon made against us will be successful. We ask that you destroy any threats and reproaches, all unkind remarks and assaults directed at us. We thank you for being merciful, gracious, and powerful, and that nothing is impossible for you. We put all of our faith in you to stand tall on our behalf. We are grateful that you are our Protector, Strong Tower, Refuge, and Strength. Thank you for standing up for us today and strengthening us when we are weak. In the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

A Prayer for Wisdom in Difficult Times

Lord, I’m ready to rely on you today to get me through the day and whatever it throws my way. I’m here with open hands and an open heart. Help me follow Nehemiah’s example and turn to you for direction, courage, sustenance, and safety. Please remind me of my belovedness and the fact that I am Your child and Your representative to the world around me while I confront difficult decisions and challenging circumstances. Please assist me in living today in a way that honors Your holy name, Jesus. Amen.

For what are you asking for courage today? Join our sizable praying community in the comments section to feel the strength, hope, and solace that comes from praying together.

Bible verses can be used to provide comfort and strength

Here are a few of our favorite texts from the Bible that speak about God’s strength and promises. May these inspire you to persevere with courage and confidence.

My heart believes in the LORD, and he helps me; he is my strength and my shelter. My heart is filled with gladness as I sing praise to God. “The LORD is the pillar of his people’s strength and the refuge of his anointed.” Psalm 28:7-8

“He increases the power of the weak and gives vigor to the tired.” Isaiah 40:29

“Those who put their trust in the LORD will find new strength.” They will fly like eagles, run without getting tired, and stroll without feeling dizzy. ” Isaiah 40:31.

But he assured me that his grace would be sufficient for me because His strength is made perfect in our weakness. In order for Christ’s power to rest on me, I will thus boast about my inadequacies even more gladly. ” Second Corinthians 12:9

“God is our fortress and strength, a steadfast assistance amid tribulation.” Psalm 46:1

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