40+ Amazing Prayers for Today

Prayer for today
Prayer for today

Prayer for today

A prayer for today is an excellent method to concentrate your time and concentration on looking for God’s agenda for the day. When you approach God with a humble heart, He may supply your needs—whether you need comfort, peace, strength, or rest—in a very real and present way. Each morning, seek God’s presence before the overwhelming amount of work you have to do takes your focus and energy away.

Here are some of our favorite prayer for today. You can begin your day with God. He vows to meet your everyday needs for courage, solace, and calm. These lovely morning prayers are available for you. To remind yourself to begin your day with God, print these out and keep them by your bed, in your car, or at work.

Prayer for today

An early-morning prayer of adoration to God

Lord, may nothing stand between me and You today. Teach me to select only Your path today so that each action brings me one step nearer to You. Please lead me not by feelings but by the Word of God. Keep my heart untainted and unbroken, please. Please shield me from my own thoughtless words, actions, and thoughts. And stop me from getting sidetracked by my desires, my needs, or my ideas of how things ought to be. Please make it possible for me to see any opportunity that comes my way as opposed to just another nuisance.

Last but not least, enlighten me on the reality of Psalm 86:13, “Great is your love toward me.” You can already tell where I will err and fail. But at this moment, I purposefully hide Your utter love for me in the furthest recesses of my heart. I am aware that Your love for me is not contingent on how well I perform. You adore me unconditionally. That’s incredible. The greatest wonder is that the Savior of the world wanted to spend some time with me this morning. Lord, please help me never forget what a blessing it is to be able to sit with You in this way. Amen.

Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You. Psalm 143:8

A Day-Starting Prayer

Dear God, please assist us to remember you first and foremost each morning. Open our hearts’ eyes so we can see you and how you are working in each and every aspect of our existence. Give us the discernment to choose wisely, and give us the desire to seek you out above all else in this world. Give us a new and fresh inhalation of Your spirit and might. We are grateful that you are bigger than anything we might encounter today. Thank you for always being with us and for being our true and enduring strength no matter what we face. Your delight does not rely on our circumstances. We pray for your peace to guide us and to keep our minds and emotions safe with you. We pray that your grace will protect us today. We need you, Lord; we love you. Amen, in the name of Jesus.

A Strengthening Morning Prayer

Lord, I’m exhausted and unsure of when my life’s “marathon” will come to a finish. In an effort to escape this ordeal, I feel as though I have been running for ages. Help me to stop attempting to flee my agony and instead run the race you have put before me with endurance. I am aware that I will finally triumph over my struggles in life because of you. I am aware that nothing in this world can sever my connection to your unwavering love. Please shower me with your love today and give me the stamina to get through this ordeal. I appreciate your unending devotion for me. And thank you for my everlasting crown of delight in Your kingdom.

The Promises of God for Today

God the Father, When it comes to seizing Your promises and making them my own, I have been so hesitant. I’m putting my foot down, though, today! I won’t let my rational mind convince me to reject my spiritual birthright. On every commitment You have made to me today, I will insist. I’m entering! Amen, in the name of Jesus.

Stay with Jesus today

It is Your day, Lord Jesus, and I want Your will to be carried out. Hold my hand and let’s face it together, whatever happens. Amen.

Lord’s prayer in the morning

Good morning, Lord!! A fresh start is possible because it is a new day. Any regrets, errors, or failures I may have had from yesterday are gone now. It’s a terrific day to rejoice and be grateful, and Lord, I am. I’m grateful for today because it gives me a fresh chance to love, contribute, and be everything you want me to be. Amen.

Today, fill me with the spirit

Dear Lord, grant that Your spirit will be with us as we rise to greet each new day. Let us carry love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness wherever we go. Let us strive to imitate you and glorify you in whatever we do. Help us to long for these things more than the wickedness that tempts us. I appreciate how you always put us first. In the name of Jesus. Amen

A daily thanksgiving prayer

Oh my God! Thank you for your incredible influence on our lives and for the positive things you have done for us. I appreciate all of your love and concern. We are grateful for everything you gave up so that we could live in freedom. Please pardon us when we don’t express our gratitude to you enough for who you are, what you do, and what you’ve contributed. Help us to focus our hearts and minds on you once more. Refresh our spirits and infuse us with your pleasure and happiness. You are needed today and every day because we adore you. We congratulate and appreciate you because you are the only one who deserves it! Amen

Adoration for my family in the morning

Father, I’m grateful to have a family. Please keep the enemy at bay today. Increase their faith Keep them from succumbing to temptation. Give them the chance to illuminate the darkness. and guide others to you. I beg you to reassure my family today about anything worrying them so they can rest in your total sovereignty. Amen

A request for God’s guidance today

Please, Lord, who or what will come into my path today is unknown. But You are my rock and my fortress, I am certain of that. You are both my strong tower and my shield. Allow me to cling to You today. Teach me to choose only Your path today and to stay firm in You. Help me follow Your truth instead of my emotions as I go. Help me to see everything that happens as a chance to see You at work and a chance to introduce others to You. I’m grateful that You adore me and that nothing will ever change that. You whisper Your unwavering love into my spirit, reminding me that Your mercies are new every morning, even if I fail today and fall short. Lord, I am so amazed by that. I appreciate you coming to see me today. Would You gently lull me to sleep once more tomorrow with a whisper of Your love? I’m eager to see you once more. In the name of Jesus. Amen

A courageous morning prayer

Lord, give me the fortitude and bravery to face this day. Help me to persevere when I’m tempted to give up. Give me a positive outlook even when things don’t go my way. And give me the bravery to take the necessary action. In the name of Jesus. Amen

Daily prayer to seek God

Father, Thank You for the sky and the sun, which serve to remind us of the opportunity to pursue You on this new day. We appreciate you reminding us that although life is not always easy, we do not have to carry the difficulty into each new day. Please pardon us for ruminating on the past and harboring resentments. Bless our hearts so that nothing will stop us from seeking You every day. In the name of Jesus. Amen

A daily act of joyful prayer

Father, I appreciate your involvement in my life and granting me close contact with you. I appreciate your continued devotion to me. I’m grateful for the blessings you’ve bestowed upon my family and me. Aid us in utilizing those blessings to benefit others. May I experience genuine joy as I observe you at work today? In the name of Jesus, Amen.

For the holy spirit’s direction

I ask the Lord to increase the Spirit’s boldness in my life. I pray to resist the temptation to sin since I am aware of how any sin can antagonize and muffle the voice of the Spirit. Help me to desire you more than I desire sin. Help me develop the fruit of the Spirit so that I can get closer to You. I ask that Your spirit lead me and that I always think about your promises and will. In the name of Jesus. Amen

Daily for God’s grace

Lord, I am grateful for your great grace. We are grateful that the vast river of grace that runs freely for us today doesn’t require us to work for a single drop of it. I appreciate the unexpected and undeserved favor you have bestowed upon me. I need your assistance to put myself in your love and grace’s path. Please help me to maintain the habits that are necessary for me to frequently meet with you and drink from the water of life. I appreciate your deep affection. Amen

A proclamation of love for your life

God, assist me to cherish the life I currently lead. Help me be content with what I have by pointing out the positive aspects that I frequently ignore. Please pardon me when I make comparisons to others and when I yearn for things outside of you and your realm. I’m grateful for your acceptance of me in my current state. Please keep me focused on you. In the name of Jesus. Amen

Today’s prayer to combat distractions

Help me to keep in mind as I begin this day that I belong to you and that my desire is to behave correctly. Don’t let me trip and don’t let my mind wander to things that will waste time and energy on the most important things you have planned for me. Lord, I’m honored to be your kid. And I’m so appreciative that you gave your life for me, rising from the grave on your own new morning, so that I could experience the wonder of your love, the freedom of Your spirit, and the delight of knowing you every day.

A prayer for today’s bold step of faith

Help us, kind Father, to engage your will with reckless faith as we start a new day. Help us develop our faith in you and in righteous judgment. Lord in heaven, give us the courage to act on our faith today. Fill our hearts with your spirit and allow us to proudly express your words.

A message for a sore heart

My heart is burdened, Father. I believe that I must bear the weight alone. Overwhelmed, sad, and fatigued seem to best express how I feel right now. Please demonstrate for me how to let you carry my hefty load since I am unsure how to do so. Give it to me. So that my heart won’t be so heavy in the morning, let me rest and recharge. The name of Jesus. Amen

Also; Spiritually Build yourself for Christ

To pay attention to God’s voice

I need to hear from You, Father. I swear to start setting aside some time each day for silent reflection. Above all other voices in my life, I shall listen for Your voice. Lord, help me to focus my life on You and assist me in following what I hear You say. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Morning gratitude prayer

I thank You, Father, for all that You have done in my life today. Even when I am unfaithful, you remain faithful. Even when I am unlovable, your love still pursues me. My fault is covered by your mercy, which absolves me of its punishment. I’d like to express my gratitude to you for being so loving and dependable to me. Every aspect of my life is changed by Your presence, allowing me to enjoy each day to the fullest while remaining confident in Your control. Lord, help me to remember that I can always worship You no matter what happens today! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Morning devotions to follow God

Please, Lord, I cherish you. Everything I’ve said up to this point represents my heart’s desire. I acknowledge that my behaviors and responses occasionally betray my love for You. Forgive me, please. Thank You for Your grace, which enables me to see that today is a brand-new opportunity to grow closer to You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

A morning prayer for divine direction

Dear Lord, please remind me of the difference it makes to prioritize spending time with You in the morning. As I get ready for the day, awaken me in body and spirit each morning with a longing to meet with You and hear Your words of affirmation, assurance, and knowledge spoken over my heart. In the name of Jesus. Amen

If anyone needs wisdom, he should ask God, who gives it to everyone for free and never finds a reason to be angry. James 1:5

A brief morning benediction

I ask you, God, to fill my head with knowledge, my heart with love, my will with courage, and my life with service. Forgive what I have done, sanctify what I am, and set the course for what I will become. Amen

A prayer for the upcoming workday

Father, I appreciate all the ways you have provided for me, especially this work that allows me to pay my bills and put food on the table. We are grateful that all work has value since work is good. Through my words, deeds, and the good deeds I perform to bring order to my small part of the earth, please help me to bring you glory today. I need your help to see my employment as a blessing, not a curse. Give me patience and courage to handle my job’s most challenging situations. I humbly ask in the name of Jesus.

An early-morning prayer for worries and cares

My life is so broken, dear Father in heaven. I’m exhausted by my numerous worries and anxieties. Even while I want to cast my worries on You, I generally pick them back up instead, which only makes me feel more stressed and anxious. As I learn to cast my cares on you, please help me understand what it means to rest and trust in you. In the name of Jesus. Amen

For hope today

Lord, please make it so I can hear you over all the other voices proclaiming, “I am your hope.” Lord, according to your word, you are the glimmer of hope for the helpless, so I’m racing to you and clutching onto you with both of my hands. Give me a physical reminder of hope’s role as an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, and fill me with hope today (Hebrews 6:19-20). God, you know the desires in my heart that I hardly dare to hope for. I give them to you today. I put my trust in you, and I ask you to grant my requests because I know that you are capable of doing more than I could possibly predict, think, or hope for (Eph 3:20). You are my God, and I put my hope in you. Amen

The will to face the day

I want to believe in you, God, that you are with me and that you are aware of and devoted to me. But on some days, it’s difficult. Help me remind myself of the truth from your Word. From my heart to yours, please. Give me serenity, discernment, and the fortitude to live as a conqueror since You have already given me victory over all trials and tribulations. Amen

For a work day that honors God

By telling me to work hard, be patient, stay focused, and think things through, you help me find the work I want to do. Keep me away from things that distract me and technology that gets in the way of my work instead of helping it. May Your spirit guide me in my job and give me the ability to be cheerful, creative, and worshipful while continually bringing to mind your love and the fact that you are the reason I am able to breathe. Teach me how to balance my career, family, church, and downtime in a way that will bring out the best in you and enable me to produce the most fruit for your kingdom.

And as I work, I keep my eyes on Jesus and the finished work he did on the cross, which gave me treasure I couldn’t buy, rest I couldn’t get any other way, and a living hope that makes me want to work for God’s glory. Amen

Trust God now

Lord, may Your Holy Spirit increase in our lives today. Lord, it’s easy for us to feel paralyzed by the worries that surround us in life, but we are aware that just as You do, in fact, keep an eye on the sparrow, so too do You watch over and care for us.

Teach us to depend on You more today. Bring us to a better understanding of how You work so that we might realize that what we can see with our normal eyes is not all there is. We pray for open hearts to accept Your work and for eyes to recognize Your hand in everything today. Amen.

Do not worry about anything; instead, bring your requests to God in everything through prayer and supplication, along with thanksgiving. And in Christ Jesus, the peace of God, which is beyond all comprehension, will protect your hearts and minds. ” Philippians 4:6

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